About 9 years ago, back when I was living in Chile, I went to my usual natural store looking for green tea, hoping they would have green tea with jasmine (It wasn’t so popular back then).
And there was it, next to all the green, red and pu-erh tea, a few boxes of white tea.
I asked the person in charge what it was and what its benefits are. He simply said “it has a lighter flavor and lots of antioxidants”.

The guy gave me a flyer with all the white tea benefits and that was it, my first box was going home with me.


So, what’s so interesting about white tea?

White tea originated in Fujian, China. During China’s Song Dynasty, white tea was often presented as gifts of ‘tribute’ to the emperor.

Until not so long ago, white tea wasn’t really known outside China and the Orient, but due to amazing discoveries about its benefits, white tea is slowly taking over and becoming a must when it comes to health.

White tea has a subtle and delicate flavor, and has the same benefits as green tea, but in greater quantities.

Antioxidants: White tea is the least processed tea and has the highest antioxidant levels (It’s loaded with these protective nutrients!). These antioxidants have many properties, such as boosting cardiovascular health, helping lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of cancer and enhancing weight loss.

Lower Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Health : Studies show that white tea can thin the blood and improve artery function. It helps lower high blood pressure and maintain a healthy one, therefore helping in cardiovascular health as well.

Antibacterial & Antiviral: White tea is a natural killer of bacteria and viruses. The big amounts of antioxidants in this tea tone the entire immune system, providing protection against a variety of invaders and a wide range of diseases.

Healthier skin: White tea’s anti-aging properties help to maintain a healthy skin, and protects it from harmful effects of UV light. Moreover, due to its huge amount of antioxidants, it helps in quick repair and recovery of damaged skin.

Besides all these, white tea may be beneficial in preventing lung cancer (this research is ongoing), it’s effective in reducing the risk of dental cavitities and tooth decay, and aids in managing diabetes.

Good tips!

  • White tea is better consumed in the form of loose leaves, because it guarantees that the nutrients are present in their actual form.
  • Like green tea, white tea is better brewed with water that is hot, but not boiling.


Enjoy a cup of white tea, and let the benefits come along!


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