For almost a year now, there has been a new word in my vocabulary: Spirulina.

All my friends, family and even random people I have met, have heard me talking about it.
I tried it for the first time almost two years ago. A friend had salt mixed with Spirulina powder and made me try it with a salad. To be honest, I didn’t like it at all!

About six months after that “incident”, a friend talked me into trying it again, due to its great benefits as an immune system booster and its high levels of protein (Great for vegetarians!). This time she showed me the tablets and told me what a difference she feels, especially in her overall health… So yes, she convinced me, I got the tablets and started my Spirulina journey.

Spirulina is a natural “algae” which is incredibly high in proteins, nutrients, iron and vitamin B-12. Spirulina is also incredibly high in calcium, with over 26 times the amount of calcium that’s in milk (Did you read that, mom?), making it excellent for children, the elderly and pregnant women. Spirulina also helps with Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular health; it helps to take care of the liver, brain and even increases fat burning during exercise.

How to take it?
Tablets or powder (It can be added to smoothies, olive oil, salt or just sprinkled on top of any food – Spirulina has a strong flavor, so I suggest to try a little bit before)

Try it and let the Spirulina magic work!


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