For many years I’ve been hearing about the benefits of turmeric and the multiple ways of taking it. To be honest, I really love the flavor and that’s the main reason why I eat it and have two bags in my kitchen. Because you know, sometimes one is not enough…

Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color, and it has been used in India and China for thousand of years as both a spice and a medicinal herb.

The main component of turmeric is “curcumin”, which has powerful anti-inflammatory effects  and is a very strong antioxidant.

Turmeric anti-inflammatory effects have been shown by several studies to be comparable to many drugs such as motrin, but unlike them, without the toxicity.

Turmeric is used to treat menstrual difficulties, toothache, bruises, chest pain, bowel disease, as a relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis, in cancer prevention, to improve liver function, lower cholesterol and many other things.

Just be sure to choose turmeric over curry blends, because the amount of turmeric in them is often minimal.

Turmeric can be eaten in oh so many ways!
You can add it to rice, lentils, tofu, soups, sauteed vegetables, roasted cauliflower, in salad dressings to add a yellow-orange color, morning warm water with lemon and a long list of “etc.”

If you don’t like the flavor but love the benefits, you can also find turmeric as supplements.
Turmeric can be bought in any supermarket both as powder or the whole root, but the powder is much easier to find (and use).

Just get creative and add some color, health and flavor to your meals!


Any good turmeric recipes to share?


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