Ever since I can remember, I’ve always had migraines, just like my father and his father before him.
Oh migraines! The kind that make you wish you could take your head off your body and stop those bumps that won’t even let you close your eyes.

I tried everything to get rid of them, from pills to all kinds of alternative medicines. It seemed like nothing worked and I was destined to have migraines for the rest of my life… Until one day, someone else examined me and told me that my migraines are ‘food related.’ He said I need to pay more attention to my liver and everything else will be fine.

As the control freak I am, I ran to check what is good for the liver and what is not.  Among the list of NO’s there were meat and dairy, which was fine because I’m vegetarian and barely eat dairy.  The third one scared me: Gluten. Oh lord, I just LOVE bread!

Trying not to panic, I checked the list of YES’s and to my surprise: Apples, as simple as that!
Well, that was funny, because just the week before I was telling someone how good I feel every time I eat one.

Then my journey began.

I started eating lots of apples and barely any, or no gluten. My migraines disappeared almost immediately and I only had a few headaches here and there…. generally when I couldn’t control myself and I ate lots of bread (Did I mention that I love it?).

Amazing benefits of apples: They are packed with vitamins C & A, they cleanse and detoxify the liver, help to reduce cholesterol levels, reduce skin diseases, they keep you full, reduce tooth decay, decrease risk of diabetes, boost your immune system and more. Studies found that eating five apples a week lowers the risk of asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Apples can be eaten as the whole fruit, juice, in salads, apple sauce and more.
My favorite? Apple juice with ginger!
Just remember that in order to get the most from eating apples you should eat them with the skin, which contains most of the nutrients.

You don’t need to have health problems to start eating more apples, just invest in yourself and start trying one apple a day to keep the doctor away!


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