I like cooking, but I don’t like spending hours on it – Both my grandmothers would be so disappointed in me… I guess I just don’t have it in my genes, gosh!

Today I’m gonna share with you one of my favorite recipes: a gluten free, easy, super duper tasty and dough-less quiche.
Trust me, it’s way easier than it sounds.

I really like this quiche because you can easily adapt it to what you have at home, to whatever you like and there’s always room to improvise and add that special something that will make it different than the other quiches. Even if you always follow the same recipe – been there, done that!

The following recipe is how I made the quiche in the picture, but take into consideration that you can change the veggies, add different superfoods, dry fruits, spices, etc.

In order to give my quiche style a name, I decided to call it “The Super Quiche”.
Why? Because it’s one of my favorite superfood recipes and it just couldn’t get any better.

Here we go!

Ingredients (4-6 portions)

  • 4 eggs

  • 1 chopped red pepper

  • 2 chopped onions

  • 2 chopped garlic cloves

  • 1/3 cup of chickpeas flour

  • 2 spoons of chia seeds

  • 2 spoons of hemp seeds

  • 1 spoon of sesame seeds

  • Salt, pepper & spices to taste

** I always add something spicy, such as cayenne pepper or merken (chilean smoked chilli)


  • Saute the pepper, onion and garlic, and season them as you like. Once they are tender and browned, separate 2/3 of them and put them into the food processor / blender (just a few seconds until they are a bit mashed – this will give the quiche a better taste). Keep the other 1/3 aside.

  • Whisk the eggs and then add the flour, mixing them very well.

  • Add the 2/3 of mashed veggies, the chia, hemp and spices to the mixture, and stir well.

  • Now, add the 1/3 of the whole veggies (for show), mix everything and put it all together into a cooking mold.

  • Sprinkle some sesame seeds on top and bake it in the oven for 25-30 minutes / 250 °C


More ideas:

  • Nuts: Add them to the quiche or sprinkle them on top before it goes to the oven.

  • Vegan option: Replace the eggs with chia seeds.
    How? 1 egg can be substituted using 1 tbsp. chia seeds with 3 tbsp. water. Grind the chia seeds into a meal and mix it with the water in a bowl. Allow it to set for 5 minutes or so, or until it takes on a thick texture similar to raw egg yolk.

           * Read more about it here http://bit.ly/1GeCG84

  • Spices: Add some fresh oregano, thyme or other spices.

  • Flour: You can use any flour you like, or even 1/2 cup oatmeal instead!


If you have more ideas, feel free to share them with us!


Read More:

Benefits of Hemp Seeds – The Tastiest Superfood Ever